What is being done to protect passengers and drivers in our Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles?
When using our minibus taxi services, please use a suitable face covering, carry an effective hand sanitiser and wash your hands before and after you travel. The latest Government advice as we understand it, is that, although face coverings are unlikely to prevent you from getting the virus, they could help prevent you from giving it to others. Face coverings are particularly important where 2m social distancing is hard to maintain. The government has now made the wearing of face masks mandatory on public transport, and you can find details here. In addition, they have issued this guidance for the use of Taxis & private hire vehicles.
All our drivers are being asked to put protective measures in place including ensuring they wear a suitable face covering when appropriate, regularly washing their hands or applying hand sanitiser, and cleaning surfaces down thoroughly between trips when practical & safe to do so.
Safety Screens – Our vehicles are also being fitted with safety screens as part of our effort to help protect our passengers and drivers, and we are making the front passenger seats out of bounds in order to help maintain some level of social distancing for the driver, so passenger capacity in vehicles will be reduced as a result.
Symptoms – If you have any symptoms that may make you suspect in any way that you could have the infection, please stay at home. If our drivers have any reason to suspect that you are showing potential symptoms, please understand that they have been instructed to refuse travel, for both theirs and other passengers safety.